PARTNERS FOR SUCCESS (PFS) is a division of the Laguna Department of Education, established to improve educational services to the community. The Laguna Department of Education (LDOE) established Partners for Success through the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act, Public Law 102-477. Five programs were consolidated to form PFS: Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Johnson O’Malley (JOM), Adult Education, Employment Assistance, and Higher Education.
By applying PL 102-477, PFS increases the effectiveness and efficiency of these programs. The law gives tribes the opportunity to consolidate their federally funded programs into one fully integrated program to allow for greater flexibility in the delivery of services. One advantage of this consolidation is that tribal members no longer have to apply to separate programs to obtain the services they need. The Pueblo of Laguna is the first tribe in New Mexico to become a 477 participant.