Program Primary Objectives
- To support the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of Native American children through the availability of child care options.
- To enhance low to moderate income earning parents to continue working to attend a post-secondary educational program and to enhance employment training capabilities.
Service Objective & Eligibility
The ENIPC Child Care & Development Fund Program is designed to offer financial assistance in obtaining quality child care. Services are provided within a child care center or home based environment for qualifying Native American families residing within the Eight Northern Pueblos or Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and Taos Counties . Services are for children birth to age 12.
Children must be tribally enrolled or eligible for enrollment within one of the six pueblos:
- Picuris
- Ohkay Owingeh
- Santa Clara
- Nambe
- San Ildefonso
- Pojoaque
Parents attending school and/or in job training are considered first priority.